My Services.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST).

BCST is a gentle yet powerful way of working with the body’s more subtle systems. You lie on a treatment couch, fully clothed, under blankets. Using a sequence of light touch we can access the nervous system and fascia, allowing the release of long-held patterns of dysfunction.

Clients often experience a sense of freedom, settling and expansion during sessions, as the body is allowed to deeply relax and enter a state of openness, where change is possible.

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Often this work goes hand-in-hand with BCST and I use both approaches depending on the client. However, sometimes, clients will primarily need the support of ACT by itself.

I use a body-centred approach to ACT, meaning that everything we will work on together focuses on what is happening to your nervous system as you process thoughts and emotions. In addition, we always look to establish powerful new practices to move clients towards their goals.

Please note: I only include this description to give you an understanding of my services, but I don’t book separate types of sessions. Please follow the link below to book an appointment to see me, and we will discuss treatment options in our first session.


I charge £100 per 55-minute session.

Packages of five sessions are available and cost £450.

(Recently, some clients have successfully reclaimed from their health insurers, but I don’t make claims directly.)

Should you still have questions or want to speak with me before booking, please feel free to message me or book a 30-minute complimentary session with me, using the button below.